Getting started with GetSign

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GetSign is a powerful tool that enables you to easily create, send, sign and track eDigital Signatures using your boards. Whether you need to create purchase orders, price quotes, contracts or agreements, GetSign has you covered. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to install and use GetSign:

Installing GetSign

  1. Go to the App marketplace and search for “GetSign”.
  2. Click on the “Add to your account” button.
  3. Follow the authorization process to install the app.
  4. Once installed, navigate to the board where you want to use GetSign.
  5. Click on any existing item or create a new item.
  6. Click on the “+” button to add a view and select GetSign.


Create necessary columns

  1. Navigate to the board view and click on the “+” button to create new columns for your board. Consider adding columns for “status,” “email,” and “files.”
At the start, default statuses are available. As you move along the different stages of signing, different statuses will be loaded. A full list of statuses will be fully loaded once you complete the signing process.

Uploading a document

  1. Click on the “Get Started” button in the item view.
  2. You will be redirected to a new page where you need to authorize GetSign.
  3. Upload the document (agreements or contracts) you need to sign.
  4. Map the columns to store the information on the board.
  5. Fill in the sender’s name, email, email title, and message.


Mapping of board columns

  1. Go to the item view and select the “GetSign” tab.
  2. On the “GetSign” tab, you will see a list of columns. You can map each column to the corresponding board column you created in Step 1.
  3. Once you have mapped all the columns, click the “Save” button to save your changes.

Mapping out fields

  1. Click on the “Edit” button to add the fields to the document for signing.
  2. Select the receiver and sender fields.
  3. Once all the important information is filled in, click “Save”.

Signing and sending a document

  1. You can click on “Sign” if you want to sign the document.
  2. Alternatively, you can send the document to the receiver.
    **Note that the receiver email is defined in the email column of the board.
  3. Once the receiver views and signs the document, the board and item view status will be updated in real-time.

Automation based on statuses

One of the great features of Getsign is that it updates the status of the signing process in real-time. The status is updated automatically as soon as the receiver views and signs the document. You can take advantage of this feature by using automation based on the statuses. Here’s how:

Notify when the document has been signed

  1. Go to the board where you have set up Getsign.
  2. Click on the automation button in the screen’s upper-right corner.
  3. Click on “Create automation” and select “When the status changes to…”.

Choose the status for the trigger

  1. Select the status that reflects when the document has been signed by the receiver.
  2. Click “Add action” and select “Notify someone”.

Select the person to notify

  1. Choose the person or people who should be notified when the document is signed.
  2. Customize the message that they will receive.

Notify when the signing process is completed

  1. Follow the same steps as above, but choose the status that reflects when the signing process is completed.
  2. Select the person or people who should be notified when the process is completed.
  3. Customize the message that they will receive.

With these automations, you can further streamline your document workflows. You’ll be able to keep everyone in the loop and ensure that documents are signed and processed quickly and efficiently.

Updating a document

  1. Create a new item, go to the item view, and upload the new document. This will be the new template, and any new item created will use this as a base.
    **Note that previously uploaded and signed documents are final and will not be updated.
  2. Once the new document is uploaded, you can follow the above steps on assigning fields and signing the document.
This is what the receiver receives in the email;

Receiver signature;

Item view after document has been signed by both parties;

GetSign is a user-friendly eDigital Signature tool that allows you to manage your document workflows effortlessly on Try it out today and see how it can help streamline your business processes.