Using just one QR code for triggering different statuses is possible when combining Triggerly and native automations. This is a common solution for production lines, shipping and asset management use cases.

For this process, you need to install the integrations template shown above or use the one that is triggered when status is changed (recommended when you already have a board with existing items in place).

Select “Scanned” as the label that will be triggered when QR code is scanned.

Create a new Status column in your board for all of your workflow steps. 

Create an automation that will change the default status of the QR status column to “On Order” (For example) when a new item is created. This is the first step of your workflow. 

You should now have two status columns in your board. “QR Status” and workflow “Status”. And all of your workflow steps should already be created in your workflow “status” columns. Now it is time to create the automation conditions that will enable you to use one QR code to change your workflow “status” based on the progress of the workflows. See below 

Click on add automation and fill it with the conditions that fits your workflow. In this case, when the status value is “On Order” – The default value – Scanning the QR will change it to “ready to Ship” – and to reset “QR status” back to ready to scan. Save this automation.

Duplicate it to configure the next step in your workflow.

Repeat by configuring the next conditions of your workflow. Once all steps are in place you are ready to use one QR code for multiple triggers of status columns.

Here is a short video demo for configuring one QR code for multiple status columns.

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